Incredible Robotic Zen Garden using CNC & Magnets

People LOVE custom coffee tables: We’ve seen PCs built into them, a giant NES, compasses, circuit boards, you name it.  This project, however, is arguably the most impressive of the bunch.  Essentially, it creates a pattern in the sand using modern electronics to emulate an actual Zen rock garden.  It uses a CNC-like machine combined with magnets beneath the sandy surface to move a small sphere through the sand.
Incredible Robotic Zen Garden using CNC & Magnets
The user uploads graphics to be “printed” on the table and edge detection software helps find the optimal method of drawing the image on the sand canvas.  Finally, the data is transmitted to the table via Bluetooth. Beneath the table is a CNC-like mechanism built with 3D printed gears and laser cut parts.  Full build instructions are not yet available, but some information is available on Kickstarter.


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