Hack your Car Fob to Unlock all of Your Cars

Carrying around keys is a pain (hence why all the cool kids use RFID nowadays), but carrying around multiple car fobs (the electronic buttons on your keychain) is even worse.
Hack your Car Fob to Unlock all of your Cars
Thankfully, programming a common keyless entry fob for all your cars is one of the simplest and quickest hacks we have covered. Additionally, you can use it everyday. In fact, the term ‘programming’ is not even the right word to use as you do not need any coding knowledge. If you can operate your remote car key and twiddle a few buttons, then read on.

The idea here is to clear the fob of its default programming and reprogram it to recognize a fob. Cars can be paired with four remotes. So, you can program a common key fob for all your cars, or easily create duplicate fobs for a single car.  The re-programming steps cover some of the popular models on the roads like Toyota, GM, Ford, Dodge, and a few more. The steps differ slightly with the model of the car, so be sure to follow the ones for yours.  Enjoy!


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