Golden Xbox 360 Mod by Computer Choppers

I’m sure it’s not the first luxury modification created by Computer Choppers. Before the 24kt gold Xbox 360, they have forged the incredible 24kt gold Sony Playstation 3.
Golden Xbox 360 Mod by Computer Choppers
As we can see, the Xbox360 video game console and its controller have been covered over with 24kt gold, but not other gold material. The price of $4,999 USD undoubtedly takes our breath away. I really have no idea whether someone would like to purchase it just for enjoying video games.
Golden Xbox 360 Mod by Computer ChoppersGolden Xbox 360 Mod by Computer ChoppersGolden Xbox 360 Mod by Computer Choppers
By the way, if loving the luxury gadgets such as 24kt Gold & Diamonds Apple iPhone , you can also appreciate others at Computer Choppers.
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Customized Swarovski Crystals Scooter

Many of us especially those fashionable girls love the Swarovski crystals. Unlike the gadgets of Swarovski crystals introduced before, this is a big one: Kymco scooter.
Customized Swarovski Crystals Scooter
This customized scooter is named as Mitch. The original is a Kymco scooter. The creator studded 100,000 Swarovski crystals on the shell of the scooter. So you can imagine how shining you are when you take your girl friend for a drive with the scooter covered over with Swarovski crystals. And moreover, you also have to think about how to prevent the scooter from thieves.
Customized Swarovski Crystals Scooter
Customized Swarovski Crystals Scooter
Well, in fact, it’s the Tokyo Motorcycle show hold in Tokyo. And the Swarovski crystals customized scooter by Kymco is a market strategy for catching everyone’s eyes.
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Swarovski Crystals Xbox 360 Mod by CrystalRoc

We’ve seen the golden Xbox 360 mod and many modifications by Swarovski crystals. Now Xbox 360 and Swarovski crystals meet together.
Swarovski Crystals Xbox 360 Mod by CrystalRoc
This splendid modification of Xbox 360 covered over with crystals is created by CrystalRoc. After accepting the commission of Microsoft Australia for a PR campaign, CrystalRoc made over 11,520 Swarovski crystals stud the surface of the Xbox 360.

As you can see, the Swarovski crystals Xbox 360 mod might not be the most expensive, but it is absolutely the brightest one. Besides, don’t forget the Swarovski crystals Apple iPad by CrystalRoc.
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